Податоци за локацијата за Riyadh King Khalid Intl. Airport T1

Работно време и услуги
18 October 2024
Monday 24 Hrs
Tuesday 24 Hrs
Wednesday 24 Hrs
Thursday 24 Hrs
Friday 24 Hrs
Saturday 24 Hrs
Sunday 24 Hrs


Услуги на преземање Недостапно
Враќање по работното време Недостапно

Правила за изнајмување

Additional Driver

All additional drivers must meet all rental requirements. All additional drivers must appear at the rental counter, present their driver's license, and sign the rental agreement. Additional drivers can only be added to the contract at the start of the rental at the pick-up locations. An additional driver fee of 25.00 SAR per day applies for each additional driver.

Упатства од терминалот

Our Rental Counter at Terminal 2 in King Khalid Intl Airport Riyadh. Arriving at terminal 2: Turn right immediately after the arrival exit door. A short walk of around 40 meters to reach the escalator going down to the parking. Proceed to the parking with signage “P2 Level 1”. There’s an escalator on the left, and elevator on the right to proceed to parking level 2. When at level 2, you will see our office on the right side with signage “Alamo/Enterprise/National Car Rental” Arriving at terminal 3 4: Turn right immediately after the arrival exit door. Take a walk straight and pass by the terminal 2 arrival area until you reach the escalator going down to the parking lot. Proceed to the parking with signage “P2 Level 1”. There’s an escalator on the left, and elevator on the right to proceed to parking level 2. When at level 2, you will see our office on the right side with signage “Alamo/Enterprise/National Car Rental"

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