Податоци за локацијата за Mora Train Station

Работно време и услуги
18 October 2024
Monday 24 Hrs
Tuesday 24 Hrs
Wednesday 24 Hrs
Thursday 24 Hrs
Friday 24 Hrs
Saturday 24 Hrs
Sunday 24 Hrs


Услуги на преземање Достапно
Враќање по работното време Достапно

Правила за изнајмување

Additional Driver

Additional drivers are available for SEK 50.00 (including tax) per day. Unauthorized drivers are fully responsible for all damages to the Enterprise vehicles and damages caused by Enterprise vehicles. The person on the reservation is considered as the main driver, he/she should be present at time of pickup and responsible of any rental and rental related charges.

Упатства од терминалот

The staff at the ST1 petrol station, close to the Mora Train station handles our key delivery. You will be contacted by our Enterprise staff before the rental to explain the procedure. If you arrive by train or bus to Mora Train station, the petrol station ST1 is 50 meters to the left, you can see it from the platform. When you have received the key to your vehicle, it will be parked in an Enterprise marked bay to the left of the petrol station.

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