Податоци за локацијата за Hartford Bradley International Airport

Работно време и услуги
18 October 2024
Monday 4:00;0:00 - 23:59;0:30
Tuesday 0:00;4:00 - 0:30;23:59
Wednesday 0:00;4:00 - 0:30;23:59
Thursday 0:00;4:00 - 0:30;23:59
Friday 0:00;4:00 - 0:30;23:59
Saturday 0:00;4:00 - 0:30;23:59
Sunday 0:00;4:00 - 0:30;23:59


Услуги на преземање Недостапно
Враќање по работното време Достапно

Правила за изнајмување

Additional Driver

Renter’s spouse or domestic partner who meet the same age and driver’s license requirements of the renter are authorized drivers at no additional charge. Any additional authorized drivers must appear at time of rental and meet age and driver’s license requirements. An additional charge of $15 per day for each additional authorized driver will be added to the cost of the rental, unless other contractual conditions apply.

Упатства од терминалот

If arriving without checked luggage, please follow signs for rental cars to Door 6 and proceed across the street to Skybridge. Please be aware the walk from the Airport across the Skybridge is roughly 725 feet (a little over 2 city blocks) so please plan accordingly. After arriving at Enterprise, proceed to the counter to obtain your rental agreement. If retrieving checked luggage, please proceed to baggage claim. From there, return to the departures level on the second floor via elevator or escalator, follow signs for rental cars to Door 6, cross street and proceed over Skybridge. Please be aware the walk from the Airport across the Skybridge is roughly 725 feet ( a little over 2 city blocks) so please plan accordingly. After arriving at Enterprise, proceed to the counter to obtain your rental agreement.

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